Thursday, February 19, 2009


Shirley Buoy
July 17, 1937 - December 23, 2008
We Love you and Miss You!

Hello family and friends,

First of all, I want to thank everyone soooo very much for your phone calls, cards, emails and prayers. Dad and I have been overwhelmed by all of your love and support. It's so hard to believe it's almost been 2 months since Mom went to be with the Lord. As I was reading back thru this blog and Mom's Journey, I'm so grateful to my cousin Sandy for inspiring me to do the blog. Thank you Sandy for your great idea! These memories, the pictures, and everyone's comments will always be with us and treasured.

I want to take sometime to share with all of you some very special blessings that God gave me and Dad during those last hours with Mom...

I had 2 prayer requests -

1) that I would be with Mom when she took her last breath, and

2) that I would have a chance to ask for her forgiveness for ways that I had hurt her in the past, whether directly or indirectly.

God graciously blessed me with both.

I stayed with Mom those last 2 days in the hospital and she was sleeping the entire time. The doctor had her on morphine to keep her comfortable but it made her sleep. I had just returned to her room from getting coffee and was talking to her (the nurses said she could hear me but just could not respond). Well, this time she did. I took her hand and said "Mom" and she opened her eyes and said "what"? It freaked me out at first but I thought, well here's my chance. I told her I was so sorry for things I had said and done in the past that hurt her and wanted to ask for her forgiveness. She said "Oh honey, I forgive you and I love you" and a tear rolled down her cheek and then she fell back asleep. That was the only time she woke up. Wow, I was in shock at first but realized that it was a gift God gave me and an answered prayer. Shortly after that she took her last breath and I was there with her. I asked the nurses if they would leave us and I crawled in bed with her and put the quilt over us that the hospital gave us (they have volunteers that make quilts and donate them to families who lose a loved one) and held her until Dad arrived. It was such a precious moment for me because Mom and I had never snuggled - but now we have.

Dad also had an answered prayer. The next day when Dad and I were talking, he asked me if I remembered about what time it was that Mom passed. I told him I thought it was about 9:30 p.m. All of a sudden his eyes welled up with tears and he said when he was at home last night, he looked at the clock at 9:30 p.m. and prayed that God would take Mom home. Her actual time of death was 9:40 p.m. Talk about miracles and answered prayers!

Dad seems to be doing well, all things considered. 51 years is a long time to be with someone and then to lose that person ... well, I can't imagine. We both miss Mom terribly, but knowing that we will be with her again some day is very comforting. God has been so good to us. He has blessed us with wonderful friends and family and you all continue to overwhelm us with your love, support and prayers.

Again, thank you all so very much for going thru this journey with us and may God richly bless each and every one of you.

All my love,


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello family and friends

Most of you by now have received the beautiful letter that Courtney, mom's granddaughter, created about her passing. Mom donated her body to science in hopes that the research done on her body would save the lives of others with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, therefore we did not have a funeral or burial service. Many of you were able to visit mom while she was still here, which made her so happy and she was very grateful for that. She only lived in Portland for 4 years, so we may have a small gathering for local friends. I will certainly let everyone know once this is decided upon.

Please check back on this blog in a few days. I have so much more to say but do not have the time to write it all now. I would love to share some blessings and miracles God gave us with mom's passing, among other things.

Thank you all so very much for your love, prayers, encouragement, support, etc. thru mom's journey, and also now, as we continue OUR journey without her. I would also like to extend my condolences to all of YOU who lost mom as a friend, sister, aunt, etc. Our family is not the only ones grieving her loss and I know she touched lots of lives and was loved by many.

Many Blessings to all as we move forward in this New Year!!

With Love,

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello to all my family and friends. Sorry it's been so long since my last update. With Thanksgiving coming near, I would just like to tell each one of you how very blessed and thankful I am to have you in my life and share in my journey. Your love and support that you've given me during these last few months have meant the world to me. God has been so good to bless me with His love and your love.

Things have taken a bit of a turn for me these last few weeks. I've developed severe pain in my lower back and have been on pain patches to help control the pain but it's not working very well. I haven't felt like doing much of anything. My energy is very low and seem to want to sleep a lot. For some reason my vision has become blurred so it's difficult for me to read. Not sure if it's from the disease, the meds, or what. My quality of life certainly is not what it used to be. Please continue to keep me in your prayers for healing if it is God's will. At times like these, we need to ask God 'how', not 'why'. How can He use me through all of this.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28 (NIV)

If you'd like to comment on this site feel free. You can also reach me via email me at or by phone at 503-531-9901 (home) or 503-704-6294 (cell).

Much love to all and have a Blessed Thanksgiving!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Need your special prayers!

I need your special prayers right now!. The platelet transfusions I've been having aren't doing me any good. I have to have a special HLA match now, which there is a shortage of & takes longer to get. It took three days. I had the transfusion last Friday, so I hope it lasts awhile. My platelets were 2, normal being 140-375.

But, if I have any bleeding, that could be a problem! So far, my blood transfusions seem to be lasting. I see my Dr. next Tuesday.

The good thing is, I still continue to feel good, & have no pain!! So, I feel blessed in that sense! I just have to keep the faith & know that God is always with me!

His words make me strong:

"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" Hebrews 13:5

I would like to continue to thank each & every one of you for your support, prayers, cards, e-mails, etc. It means the world to me! Thanks so much!

Love in Christ,


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Me and my Doctor

When I asked my doctor, (Dr. Mann) if I could post his picture on my blog, he said he was touched that I wanted his picture, and sure, it was okay. So, I thought I would share it with you.

He is a very caring & compassionate person. He has gotten teary-eyed a few times when he talks about me & how much I've been through & how strong I am. He got a little teary-eyed when I gave him a copy of this picture. He said he has to take off a day every once in a while to distance himself from his patients. Well, all of his patients have cancer, so I'm sure it's not easy! But, he copes pretty well!! Plus, he is very knowledgeable!! So, now you know a little bit about my Dr., & why I like him so much!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week from Hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, just tho't I would fill everyone in on what's been happening the last wk. or so...........I had, like I said, a week from hell !!!!!! It all started with such an excruciating pain in my back that I couldn't move! I had x-rays taken, but nothing showed up. Then the Dr. put me on oxycodone, every 6 hrs. It made me dizzy, so bad that I tried to get up & fell. But, it wasn't helping the pain, it was getting worse! I called hospice nurse last Monday & she came out & had me take the oxycodone every hr., for 5 hrs. I got deathly sick, throwing up & was completely out of it. I was that way for 2 days, & had a temp. of 105. Warren & Stacey can vouch for all this. I don't even remember what happened! They were so worried, w/the high temp. & everything. So, finally, I started coming around, & the pain was getting better. That was like on Wednesday. I've been getting a little better each day. I'm still moving kinda slow, but I'm moving!! I've had a lot of set-backs, but I bounce back pretty quickly!! God's been good to me!

I want to thank everyone for your continued prayers & support. It means so much! Would love to hear from you when you get a chance.

Love, Shirley

Sunday, August 24, 2008



Just wanted to share with everyone that I'm getting better & better all the time! I'm feeling great, & having less transfusions!! I saw my Dr. last Wednesday, & he was quite impressed with my progress! Whatever the reason, I'll take it! My hospice nurse saysI'm easy! All of these are good things!!!

I'm also getting out more & doing more things, the fun things that I like to do & going to lunch with friends! I'm getting caught up with my scrapbooking & even looking forward to doing some quilting!

I owe all of this to God & his never-ending love. I still need your prayers, & I appreciate all of you who are continuing to pray & support me. Also, thanks to those who are going on to our blog. I hope it's easier for you now, & keep those comments coming!!

"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" Hebrews 13:5

God Bless you all!
Love, Shirley