Friday, August 1, 2008

Back home!!

Mom is home from the hospital. She came home yesterday (Thursday) afternoon and her arm is doing much better. She had an infection called cellulitis, which is an infection of the subcutaneous tissue of the skin. Sometimes bacteria can enter the skin thru a cut or bug bite and can spread throughout the body and lymph system if not detected and treated quickly. I'm sure mom was predisposed to this because of her lymphedema and low immune system. We will continue giving her antibiotics thru her PICC every 8 hours and then she will start with oral antibiotics next week. Mom is in really good spirits and made friends with all the nurses during her hospital stay, but after 4 days...she is VERY glad to be home!!

Thank you all for continuing this journey with us. I will post as often as I can to keep you all informed. A special thanks to all of you for your visits, calls, emails and prayers.

May God richly bless each one of you,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I finally got my Google account activated, so hope this will go thru. Glad you didn't have to stay in the hospital long. So glad you set up this account so we can keep in touch. Will call again soon, so we can talk. Just know that you are in my daily prayers.
